Each task is important for me. No matter the size.
Because... I love what I do.

About Me

Hello! My name is Chirag and I’m a UX/UI designer based in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. I’m passionate about using an empathy-driven process to understand and solve problems that exist for real people. Originally a creative person, UX/UI gives me a chance to use my love for all things visual to design intentionally and ethically.

I studied Multimedia with specialization in UX/UI Design from India in order to satisfy my curiosity about how humans and societies make decisions. Spending more than 10 years in corporate environment taught me how to collaborate, communicate, thrive, and remain adaptable in a rapidly changing environment.

As a UX/UI designer, I leverage my experience living and working with people from diverse backgrounds with my curiosity in human psychology and experience in visual arts to craft human-centered solutions. I enjoy taking on projects that force me out of my comfort zone and make me grow as both a designer and a person.

When I’m not trying to expand my design knowledge, I’m spending my precious time with my family. I often play chess with either my father or with online players.

Visit my LinkedIn for more details about my experience.

What colleagues say about me

Detail Oriented

Let’s work together!

If you’d like to talk about a project you want help with or need an advice about product design, just drop me a message at me@iamchiragdave.com. I’m currently available for any design systems projects, dashboard designs or landing pages gigs.